After nearly two weeks isolated from internet or phone while we changed our provider, we are now returning the 30+ calls left on our voicemail and catching up on e-mailing and blogging. I can't say being stuck in the stone age is all together bad. There is something liberating about no compulsion to return e-mails. And, stealing a nap with the baby with no chance of being woken up by the phone was great! Here's the past two weeks in pictures...

Tristan, Abi and Britain had their awards ceremony from the Classical Conversations Homeschool group we've been a part of. A great first year for us!!
Naptime for the snuggle bugs.
I need to learn to crochet. Evie about has this blanket in shreds, but adores sticking her fingers through the holes and
wont go anywhere without it. She's earned the nickname "Linus" at our house
Evie's first invitation to a birthday party for a special "heart friend". As you can see, she had a great time (and really wanted Lorelei's hairbow!)
32 candles...and lots of help blowing them out. Happy Birthday Daddy!
Miss Priss and her suave new look!
So SWEEEEET to hear ya'll are alive and doing well. The pictures are awesome. Sounds like Chad didn't get his bday wish I txted... shoot. I sent it on the 4th and everything...I've missed reading and living vicariously through does have it's perks.xo
What a darling pink outfit!!! Too cute...
-and the festivities look like so much fun!!
Glad Evie is better...Happy Easter!!
LOVE Evie's new look...her blog, that is and the heirloom smocked dress and bonnet, too, of course! Just one question...just when exactly did you have time to make the bunny cake and do this post??? I think you wear Wonder Woman pajamas!
Hope y'all have a beautiful and blessed Easter!
Love you~ Rebecca
I LOVE the sunglasses! Here is Shannon's email address sorry it took me so long! I am now getting ready to travel to NY. Hope you are having a great Easter! See you soon!
Hugs and kisses, Jess
The pictures are so sweet. All of your children are precious. We think of little Evie all of the time!
The kids are just adorable (of course) and Daddy does not look a day over 25! Have a great weekend!
I saw your comment. We'd love to get together. A park playdate sounds great! I can't wait to see Graysen and Evie play together. Graysen is very social. Unfortunately we are busy tomorrow and Wednesday. How about May 26th? (We are going on vacation in mid-May, so that is why the date is further out.) Let me know if that is a good day for you and we can set up something. My email address is Talk to you soon!
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