I find myself awash with tears tonight.
Jordan, a colleague of C's, is pictured with his beautiful wife and four darling children; Sophie, Jack, Jonas and Owen. When Maggie was pregnant with the baby (Owen who is now 2) she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She began treatment, but it moved aggressively to her lymph system and into her brain. Surgery that was performed this past winter has left her very weak and her tired body is growing weary of fighting. They have considered this "terminal" for quite some time, but late last night, we received an e-mail from Jordan detailing yesterdays MRI report from doctors. Cancer has continued to eat away and has moved to the part of the brain that controls respiration. It is untouchable and there is nothing more they can do. The doctors believe that these summer months are her last.
Beloved Mother, Devoted Wife, Willing Follower of her Jesus.
I ache for Jordan and their precious daughter and sons. And though I KNOW peace is hers in the promise of Eternity with her Lord, I ache for Maggie - for her mother's-heart. How do you impart to your children everything you want to in a few short months? She has walked an impossible road with such dignity and grace and glorifies her Lord through her life and testimony.
Jordan is scheduled to board a plane this week to join C for 10 days in China. Their family continues to live every day counting the cost. I am in awe. While I struggle for sanity as a single mom to this brood with C out of the country, I think of Maggie. With every bedtime story I read and every load of laundry Im privileged to fold and every little boo-boo I get to bandage, I think of Maggie, knowing she is cherishing every one of these moments! What an amazing woman!
God speed the day He returns to wipe away every tear and bind up the brokenhearted!
Come Lord Jesus, Come!
Pray please, beloved friends, for these dear ones!
If you feel led, I had an idea too...I know we have felt an immeasurable support from our "blogging community". While Jordan and Maggie do not have a blog for me to share with you, I would love for Maggie to know the names and faces of those praying for her. Wouldn't it be fun to "shower" her with prayers and e-mails during the next 2 weeks while her husband is out of the country? Lets bless this amazing Mommy on this, possibly her last Mother's Day. (Trust me, I know how much encouragement is needed during the weary days of mothering alone!) You can leave a comment and I'll get it to Maggie or I will forward any e-mails or verses or encouragement you want to send to her:
I know many of you reading this have little sweet-hearts in heaven. Maggie, I can imagine, will one day have the special task of "mothering" these little ones until He calls each of us HOME!
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Beautifully shared Mandy. Their faith is amazing - His Grace is even more amazing. My "mommy's heart" aches for them all too. Thanks for writing this for Maggie!
What a precious woman! I will hold Maggie and her beautiful family close in prayer. I would like to share some things with her but need to put my thoughts together...so much going through my mind right now...knowing a bit of her heart from my own mother's story and, now, from my mothering heart.
She is inspiring, Mandy. Thank you for sharing Maggie with us!
Love you~ Rebecca
What a sweet mommy who will be kept closely in our family's prayers as we have little ones close to the same ages. May God continued to be glorified in her life and amazing story. And May He meet their every need physically and emotionally in these difficult coming months!
I am uplifting Maggie and her family in prayers.
I pray for peace and for Jesus to be near.
I am a MckMama follower.
Kathy B
Southeast PA
Praying for Maggie and her family! May the Lord be with her in these next few months comforting her and her family!
I just sent you an e-mail to forward to Maggie and Jordan. I'll be praying. Thanks for sharing so "we" (other Christians) can pray for a hurting family.
Thank you for sharing this with us! Praying for strength for their entire family to get through the struggle of knowing what is to come. Praying that they will be able to spend precious time together and create memories that will be forever in their minds and their hearts. Oh, how I ache for them.
With Love,
I sent a message... Praying Oh So HARD!!!
I will pray for Maggie!! It broke my heart reading that, this is the least I can do for such a wonderful woman!!
I will be praying for Maggie her husband and her children. May God grant her peace and strength through this time. Thanks for sharing her story.
I will be praying for Maggie and her family. Ps 46:10 Be still and know that I am God.
I will be praying for this beautiful family. May God pour out His healing power into her body in the name of Jesus Christ.
On my knees with you
You are such a dear to help with my little project, I SO appreciate it! I'd send you an e-mail but am having troubles with it and am unable. I have a little something for sweet Maggie, I'll be sending it hopefully tomorrow, I know it's late and won't make it for Mother's Day but bettter late than never!! I loved this post. I could feel how special she is by simply reading your words. She is absolutley in our thoughts and prayers!
We are praying for Maggie's healing! As well as peace and joy in this trying time. May the Lord bless you and keep you, Maggie; the Lord make His face to shine upon you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you with graciousness and peace.
He is with you!
Mandy, How I see such a tender spirit in you so like your Mother, Monica. As you reach out to Maggie & give us the priviledge to lift her I think of Cooper Hess, a twin who died as a young baby & Grandchild of my dear friend Grandmother Eileen Hess. I will share with Mother Lauren Hess, who has a blog for brother Carson now 2 & his new brother Brooks. What a comfort to know that Maggie will be home w/Jesus with no more pain & suffering & can minister to these babies taken so young .... We will lift up this family & pray for absence of pain & times of refreshing & affirming. Wrenda Crain
For Maggie,
But now, thus says the LORD, your Creator, O Jacob, And He who formed you ... "Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are Mine! "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they will not overflow you; when you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched, nor will the flame burn you. "For I am the LORD your God, The Holy One of Israel, your Savior ... Isaiah 43:1-3
Oops! I forgot to put my name above.
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