"Mommy?" she asked. "Why you got polka-dots on your arm?"
It was so cute, I laughed out loud!
With the help of my wonderful sister-in-law, I am homeschooling two first graders this year. We've been studying the globe, the concept of North, South, East and West, continents and countries. When I asked Tristan during a review, what we call the large bodies of land separated by sea, his answer was:
"condiments" :-)
Later in Language Arts when I asked him what the name of the dot was that we use for punctuation at the end of a sentence, he responded with confidence, "a pyramid!"
So close and yet so far. "A" for effort, dont you think?
I love this little man!
He is adorable. His little sister looks just like him.
Added quote for you... On the way to your house today with Britain, she says " Why are you going so slow, mommy goes much faster on these hills and its alot funner." This of course was repeated several times as I was driving down your street. She wanted me to know her unhappiness with my slow driving and lack of speed on the down hills.
Ha, made me laugh.
What a cutie and sweetheart! You are one brave mama to be home schooling your blondies! More power to ya, you go girl!
Hi Mandy,
We'd love to get together. Lee and I are going on a cruise at the end of the month, so let's get together in October/November. We are free on 10/22. Is that a good date for you? Caleb gets out of school at 10:30 PM, so we could meet up around noon.
Talk to you soon.
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