Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Ive had better days

Im not getting the Mother of the Year Award...not today.

-The tooth fairy forgot replace Abi's tooth with money...not just once, but two nights in a row.

-My baby got so tired from being dragged around to the Post Office, Michaels, Grocery Shopping and WalMart that she fell asleep sitting upright in a grocery cart this morning.

-I made my kids complete a full day of school on Monday and completely forgot to take them to the local Labor Day parade. What kind of mom makes her kids do school on a holiday?

-The plumbing went out in our upstairs bathroom....(sigh)

They say to make lemonade when life gives you lemons, soooo.....

-We've been reading Amelia Bedelia (my favorite childhood book) and the kids were infatuated with the idea of making Lemon Meringue pie. We tried to make one, but I forgot to pre-bake the crust and ended up with Lemon Meringue on dough....which Tristan said was disgusting.

Ive had better days.
But thats okay...they love me anyway!

How bout you? Has anyone else ever gotten to church and realized their child didnt put shoes on that morning. Or have you ever been in a pinch...I mean really desperate and completely out of diapers. Have you ever resorted to putting a maxi pad on your baby until your husband gets home with a new pack of diapers?
I wouldnt know.....just wondering!


Three Fold Cord said...

Good stuff Mandy...you are NOT alone. I have many stories to tell but it is usually my daughter with her mismatched clothes, shoeless feet and un brushed hair that keeps me humble! Not to mention the paint that inevitably gets all over the clothes that she has on.

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing, I feel much better....I have done all of the above! The no diaper ordeal was not pretty for us or anyone else in the restaurant...lots of paper towels!!!!

Zach said...

Last night I got a call from the neighbor who was wondering why my daughter's backpack was hanging on her stop sign - does that count?

Some days are like that - even in Australia

Lara said...

I've heard of the out-of-diapers solution, so you're not alone! (I've also heard of a mama using a diaper when SHE ran out of supplies!) And absolutely, I sometimes make DD do work on holidays! Make up a holiday to substitute - you're homeschooling - have fun!! Miss you guys! Saw the 3 biggers in the library recently with Auntie Becca.

JShaffer said...

Oh Mandy... you're the best! You really make a girl feel like she can do this Mom thing after all! Thank you so much for the amazing gift for our newest girls, It's so fun and pretty I just don't have the heart to take it all apart, so it is staying in a beautiful bouquet for now so that I can just look at it and smile... until we get desperate for diapers, which might not be too much longer... however, I do have some pads I could whip out....

KMJ said...

My son had transposition too. He was born Jan 2004 and had the surgery at five days old. He is now in kindergarten and doing great. All the best to you. I found your blog from Paul Cardall's.

likeschocolate said...

We just replace two toilets after youngest put deoderant sticks in them. We just all do our best and sometimes it is not very good.

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