Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Tea Time

Our daughter Britain's name was chosen for its significance.
The Lord brought her daddy and I across the ocean to meet in a castle in England 10 years ago (to the day) in fact!

C won my heart during our walks through the rolling hillsides overlooking the Lake District
Hence, England holds a special place in our hearts.

Britain's name is chiefly because that is where we fell in love.
But C likes to add that coincidentally, London is where we spent a Christmas holiday exactly 9 months before she was do the math!

Fitting, isnt it, that this little girl should love tea time?


Lacey said...

Love it. I will come over for tea anytime and get away from all my boys.

Kelly said...

beautiful!!! =) turned to your blog this morning.... a hug from a good friend! Love you girl!!

katherine said...

precious precious photographs dear! good to see she's well rounded sporting her GA jersey from uncle adam the other day. :)

The B Family said...

Precious pictures, Mandy! Oh, I love that little girl, too! (...and a good cup o' tea, thanks to her beautiful momma!)

Donna said...

Pictures are absolutely darling!! They look like they are straight out of a magazine ad for gorgeous children. The tea party is too pretty and the ballet outfit is beautiful...a post that is a pleasure to look at!!!

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