Our THIRD Fabulous Friday Freebie is
A Tutu from Lily Anna for Girls

No girl ever forgets her first tutu. Mine was for a dance recital when I was four. It was pink and had roses around the waistband. I remember like it was yesterday. Slip into yards and yards of tulle and you are transformed into a princess! Eleven years of classical ballet training were inspired by sensation of beauty and grace from that first tutu.
Lily Anna for Girls knows that at the heart of every girl is a fetish for fanciful fairytale fashion. These stylish tutus are the perfect ensemble for a little girls tea party, a whimsical photo shoot or baby's first birthday celebration. Your little ballerina will be the belle of the ball in these beauties!

And where would a princess be without her accessories? Lily Anna for Girls offers glitter fairy wings, magic wands, pink satin slippers, tiaras and bows to complete the look. Everything you need for the beginning of perfect pirouettes.

One lucky winner will win a darling tutu (winners choice up to $36 value) from Lily Anna for Girls. But, there is magic in the air for the rest of you too. Lily Anna for Girls has generously offered a 10% discount to buyers who mention Fabulous Friday Freebies. I can think of four little dancing princesses who would love a tutu for Christmas, how bout you?
You can leave up to 4 separate comments to increase your chances of winning the
Tutu from Lily Anna for Girls
The game rules are as follows.
(does not have to be in the following order).
For 1 entry:
Do you have a tutu story? We'd love to hear it! Leave a comment with your email address so I can contact you if you win.
For 2nd entry:
Become a fan of Lily Anna for Girls on Facebook. Leave a NEW comment letting me know you are a fan.
For 3rd entry:
Become a "Smith Stalker". Leave a NEW comment letting me know you are following.
For 4th entry:
Make a purchase from Lily Anna for Girls accessing a 10% discount when you mention Fabulous Friday Freebies. Leave a NEW comment telling me what you picked out.
The winner will be drawn by a third party and announced on Wednesday on this site.
I follow you. amypugmire@live.com
facebook fan of lily anna. amy bolda pugmire. amypugmire@live.com
don't have a tutu story but would love to take some cute pics of my daughter in one. amypugmire@live.com
I don't exactly have a tutu story. I loved wearing a tutu when I took ballet lessons as a little girl. Now I finally have a baby girl to dress up in a tutu. I'd love to win one!
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
Kim Lambert. I would get a garden flower tutu!
Kim Lambert. My daughter has one tutu and she absolutely loves it! She screams when I take it off her!
I follow!! britnyoung@hotmail.com
My sister in law made 12 tutus for her wedding so each of her flower girls could wear them. Tons of work!! They turned out great!!
My sister was the tutu queen in our house and wore one everywhere as a little girl. My mom didn't know what to do with her.
haileylyn {at} aol {dot} com
hailey A
Hailey A
haileylyn {at} aol {dot} com
I follow you
Emily Miller- emilymiller_20@yahoo.com- my tutu story is when we left it home one time during a dance recital. I was the only little girl up there without one, it was awful!
Emily Miller- emilymiller_20@yahoo.com- I'm a smith stalker
I can't remember any tutu story, I know I wore one in my dance class.
Not much of a story, just that I ALWAYS wanted one when I was a child. You would think that with all those years of ballet training I would have had a tutu.
My first tutu was when I was in preschool. It was pink and purple with white ribbon. Still have it!
walker.tenille at gmail.com
Facebook fan!
walker.tenille at gmail.com
Smith Stalker :)
walker.tenille at gmail.com
allesha rasmussen
Don't really have a tutu story. I don't think i've ever owned one even though i took ballet lessons as a little girl. just had the pink leotard and shoes!
I am a stalker!
Already a Smith Stalker! :)
Tori Frandsen
eltigre6 at aol dot com
My first "real" tutu was when I was in college and danced the role of the Sugar Plum Fairy. I will never forget how excited I was to find out I got that role!
Eltigre6 at aol dot com
Face Book fan!
Tori Frandsen
eltigre6 at aol dot com
I am a follower.
I never had a tutu when I was younger, but I did make one for my niece for her birthday this year and she LOVED it! (I'd love to win one to be able to use in photos)
Smith Stalker
mu tutu story: When I had my 4th baby I wanted to give my kids something special when they came to see us in the hospital- I made 3simple little tutus for my 3 girls and a fun monogramed cape for my son
My little story
I tried to make one myself for my little girl but it didn't quite work out, I'd love to get some pretty shots of her in one that looks right lol
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Lily Anna for Girls Facebook fan
SOme of my favorite pics is my baby in nothing but a hot pink tutu..i love them
I don't really have a tutu story except that I remember (I think I was in 2nd grade) going to my best friends room and she had ballet slippers on her wall and tutu's to try on- to this day it is my dream to get back into ballet! just to get to wear a tutu! :)
Anne Molino
anne molino at hotmail dot com
FB fan of lily anna
I'm a smith Stalker!
My tutu story is about the horrible attempt at making one. Well I thought I could sew one up for my cousin. It seemed easy but it turned out to be such a headache I was never able to complete it, instead ran to a ballet shop and paid a ton of money for one of theirs. i did however turn all of the tulle into stuffing.
FB fan
I would love one of these for pictures!
Erica Bybee: Tutu story is that I've had tulle for 5 months waiting to make one for my daughter but havent yet. :(
iamtheluckiest3 at yahoo dot com
Smith Stalker :)
Never wore a tutu.
I am a Smith Stalker!
I loved wearing a tutu growing up. And now my littlest sister loves wearing them as well! But I think having one of these would be perfect for her!
I follow you!!
Those tutus are PRECIOUS!!
I wanted to be in dance class when I was younger, sadly I was the 2nd oldest of 6 kids, so we didn't have money for classes. I was so sad one day that my Mom made me a tutu out of leftover scraps she had. I loved and treasured that tutu and spent many days twirling in it!
I'm a Smith Stalker!
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