Our THIRD Fabulous Friday Freebie is a
Lampshade from Sassy Shades.

We spent 5 years as missionaries in Ukraine. This post-Soviet country on the fringe of Russia is bitterly cold, the days are dark and dreary and the concrete block sky rises in every direction blend into the rest of the grey landscape. After my second winter where I struggled with depression, I read up on a condition called Seasonal Affective Disorder. Basically, some bodies require more light to function and I realized I am one of those who just needs sunshine to bloom. Perhaps a little assortment of lamps such as these appropriately placed around out tiny two bedroom apartment would have made a difference. Tell me this wouldnt cheer your mood!?
Sassy Shades is not your run-of-the-mill mass produced lampshade company. With a love for beauty and an eye for style, this home based business creates unique one-of-a-kind shades and welcomes custom orders. Im working on a pink and brown room for my girls. Sassy Shades tirelessly exchanged over a dozen emails offering material choices and color scheme options to suit our suite. Simply shop their extensive assortment or initiate correspondence on a specific custom order.
Chic fashion for end tables, whimsical accents for baby's nursery or a subtle splash of style to brighten up a dark corner, Sassy Shades will provide you with sparkly suggestions.
Sassy Shades is offering 10% off to all buyers who mention Fabulous Friday Freebies, and they are offering this lovely nightlight lampshade to the winner of this week's drawing.
You can leave up to 4 separate comments to increase your chances of winning the
nightlight from Sassy Shades.
The game rules are as follows.
(does not have to be in the following order).
For 1 entry:
Tell me your favorite Sassy Shades lampshade. Leave a comment with your name and email address so I can contact you if you win.
For 2nd entry:
Become a fan of Sassy Shades on Facebook. Leave a NEW comment letting me know you are a fan.
For 3rd entry:
Become a "Smith Stalker". Leave me a NEW comment letting me know you follow. If you already follow, this entitles you to an extra entry.
For 4th entry:
Make a purchase from Sassy Shades accessing a 10% discount. Leave a NEW comment telling me where your lovely new lampshade is going.
The winner will be drawn by a third party and announced on Wednesday on this site.
I love the Chic Toile Lampshade. amypugmire@live.com
fb fan of sassy shades. amy bolda pugmire. amypugmire@live.com
I love the Tweet Tweet lamp shade!
I'm a follower already!
Aqua and Ivory Damask Lampshade
I'm a follower!
Abigail Robertson: The Sweet Floral Lampshade totally matches my daughters room!
Abigail Robertson: Sassy shades fb fan!
Abigail Robertson: Smith Stalker!
Kim Lambert. klambert05@hotmail.com I really love the little Lady bug shade. My daughter's room is decorated in ladybugs and it would match perfectly!
Britney Young: britnyoung@hotmail.com
I follow!!
Britney Young: britnyoung@hotmail.com
Little Lady Bug shade my little one would go nuts for it!!
Emily Miller- emilymiller_20@yahoo.com- I like the dandy damask lamp shade
Emily Miller- emilymiller_20@yahoo.com- Smith Stalker
The Garden Delight Lampshade is really cute.
I love the Silly for Stripes lampshade!! Jessica Barnes jbarnes3(at)law(dot)ua(dot)edu
I would love the Flower Burst Lampshade for my little girls room
Rachel Cultice: The ladybug lampshade is too cute!
Uptown Vintage Retro Lampshade is my favorite!
I follow you!
I love the Garden Delight lampshade. ADORABLE!
I am a follower.
Charlie Comrie - ccomrie23@gmail.com I would buy the Carnival Bloom lampshade just because its so funky. Great inspiration.
apples and pears shade
amalgrover at hotmail.com
amalgrover at hotmail.com
Love the Garden Delight. kswhitelaw@yahoo.com
Carnival Bloom lampshade is so adorable!
I love the cutie pie floral shade.
FB fan
I love the Shabby Scroll Lampshade.
aikychien at yahoo dot com
I'm a FB fan. (Aik Chien)
aikychien at yahoo dot com
Smith Stalker.
aikychien at yahoo dot com
Tara Farnsworth
tara Farnsworth
i'm a follower of seventh smith
tara farnsworth
i love the Le Jardin Lampshade
I like the sweet polka dot lampshade. krissykidkare(at)aol(dot)com
Love the Chic Toile Lampshade
my favorite is the Sweet Floral Lampshade
Anne Molino
anne molino at hotmail dot com
fan of sassy shades on FB
I am a smith stalker!
I became a "stalker..."lol
I LOVE the chic toile lampshade. Just beautiful
I like the Whimsy Sheet Music Vintage Lampshade.
I follow you.
I like the flower burst lampshade for my niece
Candice Perez
I like the uptown vintage shade.
iamtheluckiest3 at yahoo dot com
I'm a stalker
iamtheluckiest3 at yahoo dot com
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