THREE Fabulous Friday Freebies Giveaways!
All open until November 11th!
Our FIRST is a $50 Gift Certificate
from Cherish Invitations

Aahhh...the decisions involved in planning a wedding and preparing for a life together. My bridesmaids dresses arrived less than 2 weeks before my wedding. Somehow, the manufacturer had added a "1" to all the sizes Id submitted, so my size 6 bridesmaids received dresses in size 16. We scrambled to get them altered in time. Then there is the wedding registry. C and I quickly saw how different our taste was and ended up fighting over silverware in a departments store. Decisions, decisions, decisions = stress! It is no small feat to decide on invitations. With Cherish Invitations, I can't guarantee that the decision will be easy (there are just too many good choices)...but I can guarantee you will love your options!
Cherish Invitations believes that the invitation extended to your guests is what sets the tone for the celebration of your blessed event! Be it classic, modern, romantic or vintage, Cherish Invitations has an extensive collection that will accent the theme or mood you will build your wedding around.
Granted, we are not all in the market for Wedding Invitations. But the exquisite selection of invitations inspire me to want to throw a party!
A Baby Shower.
A Christmas Social.
A Ladies Luncheon.
A Corporate Benefit.
Cherish Invitations will accommodate custom orders, tailor fonts to your liking and stud your masterpiece with jewels for a unique and classic design all your own!
You can leave up to 4 separate comments to increase your chances of winning the $50 Gift Certificate from Cherish Invitations
The game rules are as follows.
(does not have to be in the following order).
For 1 entry:
Leave me a comment with what you would select if you won. Leave your email address so I can contact you if you win.
For 2nd entry:
Tell me a wedding mishap story (like my bridesmaid dress fiasco above).
For 3rd entry:
Become a fan of Cherish Invitations on Facebook
For 4th entry:
Make a purchase from Cherish Invitations with a 10% discount (just mention FFF and you will be reimbursed after the purchase) and leave me a NEW comment telling me what you bought.
The winner will be drawn by a third party and announced on Wednesday on this site. Good luck and happy shopping!
Oh my goodness! What a great giveaway! I just got engaged so winning this would be great! I would choose the Island Dreams invite if I won.
A fiasco story I have is I was the MOH for my best friends wedding... I was very nervous about my big speech at the reception and I even had it written down. I actually left it in the bridal suite so I had to freelance the whole thing off the top of my head! I was so nervous, but I guess it was a success because I made my friend cry! :) Not much of a fiasco, but I sure was nervous and didn't anticpate that happening :)
Kim Lambert. I can't even decide yet! klambert05@hotmail.com
Love them all to hard to pick just one!!
I cant think of a fiasco that has happened to me or any family members(lucky for us) but my friend on her wedding day she was very sick and so was her husband and they ended up in the ER 3 times that day. Plus when they left for there honeymoon they forgot there passports and had to miss there cruise. Not a good day for either of them.
Nicole Carr I would get a baby shower invitation for my sisters shower anic1222@yahoo.com
Nicole Carr My friend that got married in Feb. was going to a sandals resort for their honeymoon. on the day of the wedding we got a call that their flight had been canceled because it was supossed to SNOW in Alabama that night. serveral hours passed and we got another flight booked for that next monday, and sure enough we got snow Sunday morning. anic1222@yahoo.com
Nicole Carr FB fan anic1222@yahoo.com
Emily Miller- emilymiller_20@yahoo.com- I like the candy stripe birthday cards. Since I'm already married I don't need the wedding invitations but I must say they look fabulous!
Emily Miller- emilymiller_20@yahoo.com- One of our groomsmen had to make a day and a half drive to get to our wedding. Due to bad weather he made it just in time to catch a flight back for another wedding.
I love the Retro Chic invitations. meggied3@gmail.com
OH boy.. Wedding Fiasco's... I have a good one. My husband reserved a room in a 5 Star Hotel for the Bridal Suite. We arrived in our limo still fully clothed in our Wedding attire, dress and tux! And when we asked the guy at the front desk for the keys to our room he continued to tell us that there was no such reservation. Well, my sweet mother had helped my husband with the reservation, so we called her and she argued with Willy, the man at the desk, for a good period of time while I sat there in my beautiful A-line gown as customers stared at us. We ended up being sent across the street to their other, but not as nice, hotel. I can laugh about it now, but I was not a happy girl that night.
I'd probably have an invitation made for a fun party of some sort!
Every now and again I help cater wedding events. The most recent drama happened to a bride who was obviously new to the whole self tanning business, and had horribly smudged ankles and hands. Not to mention a little forgetful, her cake showed up frozen because she told the decorator the wrong date. And to top it all off Grandma tripped on who knows what and had a nasty fall that resulted in a 911 call. I felt so bad for her(and grandma).
allesha rasmussen
Tori Frandsen: a baby shower invite would be awesome. I have a good friend who is having her first baby in March
eltigre6 at aol dot com
We accidentally put the wrong address for the church where our reception was. It wouldn't have been such an issue, but there are 5 churches along that street! We had to put up signs directing people the the correct church. Good times. =D
Id love any of the designs with the diamond studded clasp = beautiful!
So many beautiful kids clothes to choose from, I have 4 girls that would love any of them. bundleob8@yahoo.com
Wedding fiasco: My bridesmaid dress had a rip all the way down the back side and wasnt noticed until getting lined up to walk down the aisle. bundleob8@yahoo.com
With new babies and a wedding coming this year...this website is a dream come true! Love their neat embellishments!
As for wedding fiascos...the five bridemaid's dresses came in the wrong color one week prior...had to change all the flowers, then they came in wrong and the top layer of our wedding cake fell off on a hot August day!! I couldn't cry because my makeup would fall off so I just laughed!!
If I won I would get baby shower invitations for my sister-IL!
Anne Molino
anne molino at hotmail dot com
kind of a wedding mishap story, we actually had a few of my husbands family members steal money and giftcards from our cards...I didn't think to have a guard watch our gifts! oh well!
I am a FB fan of cherish inbitations
Retro chic invitations would be my choice.
It was my cousins wedding we were in charge of giving guests their table setting numbers so we had to beat everyone to the hall. Unfortunately my Mama decided to take a new route and we got lost. So she decided to turn around while speeding. Not a good idea but it was done. We all started yelling about what she had done and none of us were paying attention to the stopped traffic. Fortunately Mama turned to face the road and stopped a mere inch from the car in front of us leaving skid marks on the road and three very upset passengers. Long story short we made it to the hall with enough time to use the restrooms and be seated to greet her guest. Thankfully!
suzy carlson
I would definately get some baby announcements.... I'm still needing to do that!!
iamtheluckiest3 at yahoo dot com
They did my wedding cake wrong, the second and bottom tears were the same size. :(
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