Our FIRST Fabulous Friday Freebie is a
$30 Gift Certificate from
By now you've figured out my fixation with monogramming. It will come as no surprise that AC Posh Designs turned my head with their darling personalization options. But THIS was a new one. Oh how I swooned over these adorable flip flops to showcase precious pampered toes in the summer. We LOVE to play pedicures in a house full of girls (and have our area rug situated just so, so that hot pink polish spill on the hard wood floor wont be obvious). How fun would it be to adorn little feet with these bows and bling for the beach trip?
AC Posh Designs is the creative outlet for an amazingly talented momma of three. How she finds the time to be so industrious, I cant imagine. (I consider it a productive day if I get make-up on and a load of laundry done!) Her trademark designs combine multiple fabrics and styles to form a smart and sassy collage of color.
And dear ones, might I recommend something other than a snowglobe paperweight for your son's preschool teacher for Christmas? Select something personal from AC Posh Designs that speaks of your heartfelt appreciation!
Shop this week and save 15% off your purchase using the coupon code FABFF15 at checkout. Browse Bows, Bling and Baby Things (and oh so much more) and finish checking off your list! Tutu sets and plush hooded towels are among many gifts AC Posh Designs has inspired to spoil your sweetie. Custom orders can also be accommodated if you have something specific in mind.
You can leave up to 4 separate comments to increase your chances of winning the
$30 Gift Certificate from AC Posh Designs
The game rules are as follows.
(does not have to be in the following order).
For 1 entry:
Leave a comment with you'd spend your $30 shopping spree on if you won. Include your email address so I can contact you if you win.
For 2nd entry:
Post about this giveaway and link it on your blog. In a NEW comment leave your blog address.
For 3rd entry:
Become a fan of AC Posh Designs on Facebook. In a NEW comment tell me you are a fan.
For 4th entry:
Make a purchase from AC Posh Designs accessing a 15% discount. Leave a NEW comment telling me what you bought.
The winner will be drawn by a third party and announced on Wednesday on this site.
Ok usually when I win a giveaway I want to gift it but if I won this, I would totally keep them for myself :) The Black and White Gingham Flip Flops that is! They are so over the top and fun... would be adorable to wear at our beach rehearsal/dinner, in a cute white dress with my new married last name initial! :)
I posted about this giveaway on my blog sidebar!
Those flip flops are fabulous! I don't know which I like better the green and pink or the bubble gum!
face book fan of A&C Posh Designs
I love the Cheetah Fluff Onesie. amypugmire@live.com
fb fan of ac designs. amy bolda pugmire. amypugmire@live.com
Love the flip-flops..bows are so cute!!
Nichole seiler: I would love the Princess Bling Outfit
Nichole Seiler: fan
Lori Johnson: I love the hooded bath towels!
Melanie Spendlove: I love the keychains and the flip flops.
I would love to get the little yoga outfit for my little girl but I would have to spend a little more than the $20. :)
Face Book Fan
I actually really like the key fobs. I have 3 boys and a hubby so the girly stuff just wouldn't work so well but the key fobs are so cute.
What cute flip-flops!!
I would LOVE the brown and blue disco hooded towel.
We are a FB fan! tricityty@hotmail.com
If we won we would choose the ribbon board hairbow holder! Tricityty@hotmail.com
Racahel Nelson I would get one of those cute towel the Apples and Pears Hooded Bath Towel so cute
Rachael nelson I posted your button on my sidebar at www.tendermoments07.blogspot.com
Rachael Nelson Face book FAN
Andra Stoker~ I'm new to this site and I'm super excited about it!! I would LOVE a new key fob!! Mine is getting ready to visit the trash!
Andra Stoker~FB fan!!
Andra Stoker~added side bar to my blog:
I would love to get one of those coffee mugs! kswhitelaw@yahoo.com
JoDene Roberts
JoDene Roberts: I would either put it towards "Just My Size" blanket in blue and brown (sooo cute) or the bib that says "Prince" on it.
JoDene Roberts: I am a fan on Facebook...but it shows as my son Anthony...????
I'd spend $20 on some of those cute travel mugs...love my coffee! :)
Karen :)
Facebook Fan
Burp Cloth Set Peggy Paisley and Striped
I would get a monogrammed onesies for my new nephew! maggiejo14@gmail.com
I would use it toward a key fob and burp cloth! :)
Megan/supermegs28 at yahoo dot com
The princess hair bow holder is just what my girls need!
I would love onesies.
FB fan
I would get the Posh Perfectly Pink Tutu! Its tutu cute! :)
I'd love to get a monogrammed cup for my son's teacher!
I became a fan on Facebook!
Oh my gosh - what a great idea for the preschool teachers - you are SO right!! I have been going crazy over what to get them.
Ok and I am facebook fan!!
Love the Red Flower Crochet headband! meggied3@gmail.com
I would buy 2 Monogrammed Hairbows for my daughter!
insurance @ mts.net
I love the monogramed towels
the flip flops are so cute, I also love the towels
I became a fan on Facebook!!
I would probably get some bows for my daughter
I posted it on my blog
I would love a pair of flip flops
I would buy the Posh Perfectly Pink TuTu.
I became a fan on facebook.
I love this!
I would definitely get the lit brite bibs and burp cloth collection set! It is soo cute!!
I would spend it on the Lime Green FLower on crochet Headband
Anne Molino
annemolino at hotmail dot com
Fb fan of A&C Posh Designs
I would LOVE to get some cute stylin flip flops and a fancy pants girl diaper cover!
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