Our THIRD Fabulous Friday Freebie is
2 $15 Gift Certificates to

If a baby is a gift
Then her bow is the giftwrap!
(...and the bigger the better as far as Im concerned)

Faithworks is the bowtique of all boutiques! Specializing in hair accessories from the daintiest of clips to blooms and bows that make a statement. Faithworks Boutique creates accessories to accent those curly tresses...
...or adorn that sweet (bald) head.
Bling bows, ruffly ribbon, feathery fashion and curly corkers.
But that's not all! Faithworks Boutique has a little something for the mommy of the diva too! Sterling silver hand stamped jewelry would be a sweet and stylish purchase to apply your gift certificate towards.
There are some deals and steals you wont be able to resist. In addition to a 15% discount which you can access through the coupon code ILOVEBOWS, there is also a great selection of gift sets, bows and headbands which are already marked 10-15% off. Additionally, if using Google Checkout and you spend $30 or more, (not including shipping) you get $5 off the purchase. Stack that up to a pile of savings and get shopping for all the girls on your list!
Also, newly carrying the Luna Belle T-shirt designs, Faithworks Boutique can set you up with the perfectly coordinated bow/shirt ensemble.
You can leave up to 4 separate comments to increase your chances of winning one of the 2 $15 Gift Certificates from Faithworks Boutique
The game rules are as follows.
(does not have to be in the following order).
For 1 entry:
Leave a comment. Christmas is upon us....Id love to have you share a favorite Christmas tradition. Include your email address so I can contact you if you win!
For 2nd entry:
Tell me your favorite item from Faithworks Boutique. Leave a NEW comment with what you'd love to buy.
For 3rd entry:
Become a fan of Faithworks Boutique on Facebook. In a NEW comment tell me you are a fan.
For 4th entry:
Make a purchase from Faithworks Boutique accessing a 15% discount. Leave a NEW comment telling me what you bought.
The winner will be drawn by a third party and announced on Wednesday on this site.
I love the marabou puff clippies. amypugmire@live.com
fb fan of faithworks. amy bolda pugmire. amypugmire@live.com
One of my fav traditions is opening up a new pair of jammies on x-mas eve. so fun. amypugmire@live.com
Love the bows and clips!!
First comment! Please enter me!
Second comment!
I love the boutique bows and the ruffle bows!
elizhuffman at gmail dot com
Third comment: I'm a fan on facebook!
Nichole Seiler: We give a christmas ornament to each child for christmas so they can take it when they leave homw to decorate their trees. We also do christmas jammies every year
Nichole Seiler : I love the korker bows
I think the Korker bows are too cute!
My favorite christmas tradition is going to Grandma's on Christmas morning to have hot fresh scones, ebelskievers and wassail!
I am a fan on Facebook!
One of my favorite traditions is taking all our Santa gifts to my in-laws on Christmas morning and opening presents with all the family!
the raspberry sorbet infant beanie or the double ruffle bows
fb fan of faithworks boutique
Lori JOhnson: One of our favorite traditions is going to cut a real tree.
Lori Johnson; I like the twisted boutique hair bows
Melanie Spendlove: I love the clips....my daughter is just starting to get hair now....cheltonmelanie@hotmail.com
We love to make cinnamon rolls Christmas Morning.
I would love to buy to simple little Clipies..... all of em. :)
Facebook Fan
My favorite tradition growing up was my family would hike up a mountain to a star that was on the mountain and read the Christmas Story inside the star. Then sled down the mountain. It was a great christmas Eve tradition.
i love the circle of love necklace. ryankrista.gage@gmail.com
One of our christmas traditions is putting up the tree together and listening to christmas music and eating all sorts of junk food!!
I love all of the bows & clips!!
My favorite Christmas tradition is eating Chinese food on Christmas Eve with all of our family. We've done it every year and I love it.
I love the layered pink and brown bow.
We are a FB fan! tricityty@hotmail.com
Our favorite item is the double ruffle hairbow! soo cute! tricityty@hotmail.com
Rachael Nelson My Christmas tradition is fondue and christmas crackers which you hold hands and pop
Rachael Nelson I love love the pink swirl flower beanie
Rachael Nelson Fan Junglegirlie76@hotamil.com
Andra stoker~ One of our traditions is to buy a chocolate christmas calandar count down!!!
Andra Stoker~I love all the hair bows. I'm due in 4 weeks and this would be wonderful to have!
I love having a big huge Christmas breakfast with all of our favorite things!
I'm a fb fan!
Love the strawberries and cream flower beanie.
My favorite family tradition growing up is simple, but I love it. All 7 kids would sleep in the same room! maggiejo14@gmail.com
One of my favorite Christmas traditions is driving around looking at Christmas lights, while sipping hot cider and singing along to Christmas songs in the car. :)
Megan/supermegs28 at yahoo dot com
I love the pink crochet flower headband and the marabou puff clippies! :)
Megan/supermegs28 at yahoo dot com
Rachel Cultice: My girls would love the Disney princess bows!
Rachel Cultice: A Christmas tradition that's important to us is church.
Watching the holiday classics
I love the Black Chiffon Flower Headband. meggied3@gmail.com
Every year ALL of my girl cousins and aunts on my mother's side attend the Nutcracker with our sweet Grandpa! He decided to continue the tradition after Grandma passed away almost 4 years ago!
my kids love sleeping at Grandma's and making gingerbread houses and I love that I can get everything wrapped while they are away
Melanie K
A tradition we started a few years ago is letting our kids open a new pair of pj's on Christmas eve, so they get to wear new pj's that night
I would have to get some bows and a bow holder for my daughter
I like the korker bows
Getting up at 6:30am even now when we are older, we still get up early to celebrate Christmas
Every year I let my kids choose a special ornament to buy and put on the tree.
I would buy the marabou puff clippies.
I became a fan of Faithworks Boutique on facebook.
We have a great time making candy trains every year..and then choosing someone to give it to!
Anne Molino
annemolino at hotmail dot com
I love the double ruffled headband!
I am a faithworks FB fan!
My fav tradition is making candy countdown calendars for the month of december!
iamtheluckiest3@ yahoo.com
I love their boutique bows!
iamtheluckiest3@ yahoo.com
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