We celebrated our anniversary last week.
And, I have a rather "significant" birthday coming up next month.
C gave me my present early.....
Let me preface this by saying two things:
1)I have been dropping less-than-subtle hints for the last 9 months, and
2)I LOVE surprises
I had nothing to do with picking out my engagement ring, our honeymoon location, the floor tile for our kitchen or the cloth diapers we used for our kids. C does the research, has impeccable taste and typically surprises me with better than I would have selected myself.
That being said, I had no specifications on what camera or lens I wanted. I knew he'd come through.
Monday morning, I answered an 800# call. Somebody-something-or-other asked to speak to C. Trying to spare him a survey or telemarketing, I asked if I could take a message.
"Sure" said "Michael"
"Just tell him to call me regarding the Nikon camera he purchased online"
I about dropped the phone.
I took down his number, hung up, and then squealed at a decible my kids had no idea I could hit. They looked up with bored expressions from their science books wondering what in the world had possessed mom!
I tried to play it cool. While my sister-in-law scouts out hidden Christmas presents, unwraps them and has thank-you notes written before Thanksgiving, I am the antithesis. I couldnt stand the thought of spoiling the surprise I knew C was setting up.
When C came back that afternoon, I turned on my best calm, cool and collected act and casually mentioned that some guy had called about something he'd purchased online. C ducked into a private room and closed the door to return the phone call. He emerged 5 minutes later with a smirk on his face and an accusatory finger pointed right at me.
"You knew!! You little trick"!!
My guilty expression said it all. My cover was blown. The sales rep had outed me. Busted!!
Two days later, my 'surprise' arrived.
I was not disappointed. C knows me so well and selected a great option for the kind of pictures I love to take of my little ones! So excited to be able to better document....
the sleepy moments....
the silly faces.....
the sparkly moments......
the goofy fun.....
the beautiful sunsets.....
the sweet sisters....
the bedtime giggles....
and the precious profiles I love so much......
So for the time being....if you need me....this is where Ill be....
I'm so spoiled! Thanks hon!!

Yay!!!!!!! So exciting!!!! It took me a while before I got off of the automatic mode...and I am still kind of working on that...now we can practice together!!! (alright enough of these.....and these...!!!!!)
That is VERY exciting!! What a sweet hubs to surprise you (or at least he tried to make it a surprise). I always love your picture.. now that will be even better!
Great gift...great pics!!!
Yay!! I know you're loving the new camera. Your already great pics will be even better! Is that possible? :)
Sweet hubby...he has bonus points that he'll be able cash in for a while!
Ooooh fun! Which one did he pick out for you? I've been dropping not so subtle hits over here as well ;)
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