This Southern Belle is ready to light a fire in the fireplace when the temp dips below 60. Im cold blooded, have bad circulation and C cringes when I slide my feet over to his side to warm them at night.
I will go on record (and will likely insight a riot) in saying that this is my least favorite season. I know for some, autumn brings nostalgic warm fuzzies and you break out the team colors for your alma mater. Friends are raving about Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte and girls are donning their Ugg boots (with miniskirts) already.
Me.....? If I never see snow again, it will be too soon.
I think palm trees look great in Christmas lights and would move to Florida in a heartbeat if the opportunity presented itself.
I hate being cold.
I hate having to wear long sleeves.
I hate that flip flops are no longer acceptable.
I hate being cold.
I hate shorter dark days.
I hate packing away my sundresses.
I hate not having a tan.
and lastly, I hate being cold!
In my book, the one and only redeeming quality about plummeting temperatures and dreary overcast skies is the comfort food that comes with the change in season. I made a quadruple batch of chili today, consumed more than my share at dinner, froze half for a rainy day and was reminded that I can get through the next cold months on a steady diet of this stuff! Mmmmmmmm!!!!

I love soups, crock pot dinners, pot roast on a Sunday afternoon, spiced cider, mulled wine, stroganoff, stew and apple pie. If you're like me though, you tend to get stuck in a rut sometimes. So I had an idea.
Id love your help!
Get your favorite fall recipes together and lets share! On Monday, I will post a linky here. On your own blog, write about and share your favorite fall recipe. Then you can link up here and we can visit eachothers blogs and find new recipes. I thought it would be a fun way to find new mommy-recommended-dishes.
Off to dig out the winter clothes from the attic..... begrudgingly!

Ooooooo I can't wait! I love this time of year because of the food! What a great idea.
Hugs to you and the family!
Great idea - can't wait to visit some food posts!
Hahaha!!! I agree with a passion! Add to the list of "I hate..." (and I think you will agree) is the fact that having a household of seven... the laundry pile looks like its a household of fourteen!! A sundress and flip flops is much easier to manage than a turtleneck, slip, stockings, dress, sweater, overcoat, hat, gloves and scarf!
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