Sunday, June 19, 2011

Excuses and such...

I spent the weekend finally finishing addressing Gabriella's Birth Announcements.
They've been sitting on my kitchen counter since days after she was born. There is dust on the box containing them....and my bathroom needs cleaned....and my list of thank-you notes is not getting checked off. You see, I just cant stand to put this little angel down long enough to get anything done. Can you blame me? Here's my excuse...
Here's a peek at her little photo birth announcement...
C has been prompting me for years to open a calligraphy business. I love to write, but cant imagine that there would be a huge market for this. He's so encouraging it would be a great from-home business that would work around babies schedules, housework and juggling life with six kids. I dont know. What do you think?.....
Do you think anyone be interested in hand addressed shower, wedding, christening invitations, birth announcements, framed sayings or verses for the home, etc?
And speaking of the wonderful, advocating, encouraging, sacrificial, driven, hardworking, God-honoring man whom Im blessed to have as the daddy to my children, Happy Fathers Day honey!! Not just any man could do the job you do. Im so proud!


Donna said...

You announcements are is Gigi! I'm thinking she looks a bit like her daddy?

Your handwriting calligraphy is astounding!! Anyone who received these would be thrilled! I'm sure it could be a business...good luck!

franknbellesmom said...

She is getting cuter & cuter!! (Is that possible??)

Just think of all the brides who don't know how (like me) to do calligraphy or HAVE TIME!?!?! It would be a great thing to drop some cards off with wedding planners, florists & dress shops! Or with Invitation Station!?!?! So doable!

Much love!!

Shannon said...

You did NOT write those! Seriously?! OMG...that's amazing! You should absolutely go into business!!

And as always...Gigi is precious! :)

lneal22 said...

Yes! I have received invitations that were hand addressed in calligraphy that looked almost computer generated...NOT at all like the lovely, embellished ones that you showcase. Have you ever heard of/thought about going through Etsy ( My much-lived daughter in law has purchased lovely things from moms on this site! Chad knows beautiful work when he sees would be fun to try it!! God bless!!

lneal22 said...

...ooops...much-loved (she's not that old to warrant much-lived)!!! Should have previewed it!

shannon said...

My goodness, yet another talent! I am blown away. I definitely think someone would be willing to pay to have your lovely writing adorn their invitations and announcements! After seeing all of those beautifully addressed announcements, being written by a post-partum mama of 6, I feel like a big ol' slacker! :)

Kelli Kegley said...

Ummm...yes! That is gorgeous! As is your daughter!

Lydia Honken said...

Without reservation, my vote YES - make your writing talent available! It is beautiful!

Gigi is so sweet...I understand the holding thing. A year later, I'm still having a hard time putting Josiah down...he loves to snuggle. ;-)

lonamcclain86 said...

YES! I would have hired you for my wedding invites :) I looked all over and could not find anything that was not outrageously priced. I even bought a calligraphy kit thinking "how hard could this really be?" ha ha wow! Kudos to you my lady! so time consuming and it take patience! lol Your baby girl is beautiful! love the pictures :)

Jennifer said...

Yes! I would love to hire you for your amazing Calligraphy skills! It is such a talent and kind of lost art--rarely do you see people writing in Cursive anymore either... Gigi is a stunner!

Momma J said...

Are you kidding me?!?! People would be more than happy to pay big money for that. I vote yes!

I swear she is getting cuter each day. :)

Surviving 4 said...

Hey girl! I actually have a pretty thriving calligraphy business and my hand-writing is NOWHERE NEAR your talent. It is a great at-home job, but gets a little stressful and overwhelming during the busy times (like every other job). The key for me was teaming up with a girl who owns a high end wedding boutique - she gets me business and I give her a 10% cut. It's been a great arrangement for both of us.

I know you're at the wedding today - I'm so happy for your sis! Hope y'all had fun. Gigi is precious :)


Jill said...

Mandy - I love your calligraphy. People will definitely pay you for that service. Thanks for posting a picture of the birth announcements I did for you, I hope everyone enjoyed getting one.
Gabrielle is precious! I am sure you are all enjoying her.


Laura Godfrey said...

I would LOVE for you to open up a calligraphy business and I could keep you BUSY!! :-) Your handwriting is incredible! My jaw dropped when I saw it!! If you start a biz, PLEASE let me know!!!

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