'Lil Bit, you're 3 MONTHS OLD!
If I could keep you a baby forever, I probably would. I have so enjoyed each and every minute of your "newness". People are always surprised when I tell them how old you are. They think you're much younger. I dont mind one bit as long as you want to stay a little peanut!
You're just the happiest little thing and your "coo's" absolutely melt our hearts. You've got to stop all this growing! No matter how tight I hold you, I just cant slow it down. Call me crazy, but your silly Mommy just ordered your 1st Birthday outfit. It'll be here before we know it.
Its been a big month for you with lots of new accomplishments....
How many 3 month old's have been to 3 weddings?
You were the belle of the ball!
We've not done pacifiers with any of your siblings. Mommy hates them. She'd much rather see a thumb sucking baby, than one with a "plug" in their mouth. However, half way into our 2000 mile round trip to Niagara Falls a couple weeks ago (with you fussing in the back seat), Daddy made a run into Wal-Mart for diapers and came out with this...
...You were happy. Mommy was not...but she couldn't complain since we didn't hear another peep from you for the rest of the trip. Mommy is still campaigning to get you to suck your thumb, but Ive got to admit, the nuk is a life saver in church and on road trips!
(...blasted synthetic parenting...)
More firsts...your first BATH. Since our two bathrooms are under renovation, we've been bathing you in the kitchen sink. But, while staying in hotels on our trip, you enjoyed your first tub bath with proud big sister Evie.
Closely followed by...
Your first SWIM! Daddy took you in the hotel pool and you totally chilled. Think he's planning on you being his little surfer girl with your love of water!
With the big kids in school now, Izzy, Evie and I spend our days playing with our dolls!
All your uncles tease Mommy for putting ridiculous bows in your hair.
What a joy you are to our days Baby Cakes!
You're sleeping a 10 hour stretch at night and only waking once to eat.
You smile whenever anyone gives you attention (which is pretty much all the time)
You're trying to talk back with the cutest coos and croons.
You love your bows and headbands...no matter what those silly uncles say.
You're the best traveler and sleep great in your carseat.
Your tummy woes are much better when Mommy stays away from dairy
You're extremely social and hold your head up to see whats going on.
If there was any doubt before, its confirmed...you have your Daddys beautiful blue eyes and it looks like they are going to stay.
You are spoiled rotten...
...and loved to pieces!
avoiding the paparazzi |

I have spent far too much time on your lovely blog. LOVE the background and your gorgeous family. You are beautiful and look like you've got a lot on the ball. You are blessed! Thanks for the peek into your life. :)
So cute :)
My older ones had pacifiers, and now I have my first thumb sucker! I actually preferred the paci b/c by age 1 it was only for bedtime and that worked out great. I don't know how I'll break the thumb habit...
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