Sweet Baby Cakes
You're 4 Months Old!!
You'll go this week for you 4 month check up and immunizations (boo!) Hoping you handle them better than last time. You're my first baby to really react to shots and Im hoping its not so miserable this time around.
You've got some new tricks!
You giggle. And when you do, you light up the room and we laugh too. What a little ray of sunshine you are to us. Your chunky thighs are ticklish and you make this adorable little "chug" sound when you laugh.
Mommy is about ready to chuck the paci....you've discovered something much better.
These tasty fingers...
Big brother Tristan is so proud of the fact that he is the only baby Ive EVER seen suck their fingers this way......until you. He says he taught you! You usually stuff four fingers in your mouth at once and then remove all but these two; your middle and ring finger. I think it's adorable!
Everyone comments on how "social" you are. I tell them that you dont really have a choice coming from this family. You love to smile and flirt with total strangers.
Your pediatrician is going to ask if you are rolling over.
And Ill have to tell her no.
Not any fault of your own, we just really and truly rarely put you down. You dont get much of a chance to practice.
You are so content in the Baby Bjorn and I love having you snuggled close all day long. We go about housework and errands and you snooze when you want to and we turn you facing out when you're awake and want to see whats going on. I can tell you are gaining weight though, my shoulders were in spasms yesterday!
Well cutie pie, you had your first "modeling" job for Dayspring Dresses and Luna Belle Boutique this month:) So fun to have an addition to my little bevy of beauties. We have too much fun playing dress ups with you!
So, until now, you've been sleeping in the co-sleeper. You are definitely not "preemie" sized anymore and you are just too long for the little cot. The plan was for you to move into your crib at 4 months. Last night was your first night in your big-girl bed. You looked so tiny in such a big space. It will be no surprise that that lasted.....um.....about 45 minutes. Here's the kicker though.....it was daddy who caved. You've got him wrapped around your little finger already.
We'll keep working on that one. Somehow that crib seem so far away!
God knew we needed an easy baby when He gave us you. You have fit so beautifully into our life and schedule (or lack there of). You are so adored. The kids never forget to kiss you when they are leaving for school in the morning and you are the first thing they want to hold when they return. Its precious to me that when Im out with you, they call and want to talk to you on the phone. I indulge and hold the phone up to your ear....they ramble on telling you stories about their day.
You are one loved little girl.
Sleep well lil' peanut!

1 comment:
Sweet baby girl! I love how precious she looks sucking her fingers. Rebekah sucks those same fingers on her left hand, and I'm not discouraging her. It's way too cute (even at 27 months!!).
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