Tuk-Tuk ride. |
A trip to the supermarket provided my first little dose of culture shock today.....
Chicken, pork chops, steaks, ground beef and fish of all shapes and sizes are laid out on ice in open display cases for shoppers to sort through and take their pick. Not quite sure this would pass the health inspection in the States.
Bar soap and body lotion come with an advertised "whitening component". I guess I wont be needing my "gentle bronzer" lotion here.....pasty white is considered beautiful.
We bought hair conditioner.....in a gallon jug!
And the section of rice, no less than 50 varieties. Move over Uncle Ben!!
rice as far as the eye can see:) |
Gigi thinks that a walk in Bangkok is a parade in her honor. She sits in her stroller doing her "Miss America" wave and the Thais flock to her!
Security guards abandon their posts to come pinch her cheeks.
Shop owners come out to shake her hand.
Pedestrians stop to tussle her curls.
C snapped this picture in the grocery yesterday when the store employees mobbed her.
We are going to have one entitled little girl on our hands if we're not careful.
She at least is a great "in" to get to know people and establish conversation and relationship. They ADORE babies here!
A week ago, I wouldnt think of letting my baby ride in a car without a carseat.
Now she's bustling through this crazy busy city in a car with no carseat
...no seatbelt
....and no doors or windows for that matter.
She LOVES riding in the open air tuk-tuks!!
And speaking of the little diva, I got her closet unpacked and organized today. Since we didnt have closets in our old house (just some dressers), I am absolutely LOVING having her own little "dressing room".
And a big answer to prayer already - we made some friends!! :) We were introduced to friends....of friends....of friends before we moved here. (Thanks Heather!! :)
A family with 4 kids (almost as crazy as we are) who have been on the field for 5 months. Our kids had a blast playing together at an indoor arcade. Really good for Tristan to find some boys his age and for the kids to have something fun and western to do together.
Think we've about got this jetlag thing beat! Kids finally going to bed on time and sleeping until a decent hour. Whew!!
Oh, and Laurelle came home with Krispy Kreme donuts yesterday! We're not in Kansas anymore Toto, but I think we're gonna make it just fine!

I'm so glad to know you're getting settled and enjoying your new home. I'm excited to read about your new adventures!
And seriously, I think that would make me turn into a vegetarian real quick! It's funny how different things are! :)
Big hugs!!
Amazing!I love reading your stories and will continue praying for your family and the work God has in store for you!
Mandy, you are my hero!!! Super-hero I should say! What a blessing you have a go-to friend already!
What a joy it was to see my grandchildren ,Kate,Luke,Drew , and Joshua in your photo !! I'm so glad they could be friends!!
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