Im so proud of these kids. All of them! They have been such troopers, such little soldiers!
God's been showing me so much about His goodness and faithful care through the details of this move and He has answered our every prayer almost before we even ask. There have been HARD moments, but there have been clear evidences that He is in this!
Last hugs |
Saying goodbye to Grandparents at the Atlanta airport 2 weeks ago |
The significance of these January weeks always get me as I look back 5 years ago at a time I couldnt imagine ever bringing our baby home from the hospital.
Much less, taking her to the other side of the world - literally!
As Ive taken time this week to ponder and look back at all my insurmountable fears as we lived those scary first weeks of Evie's life, I think about all the fears Ive struggled with in moving our kids here.
Trusting God.
What does that look like?
Sometimes its easy to offer ourselves. To step out of our comfort zones. To put our dreams or aspirations on the line. To give up relationships, careers and opportunities we hold dear.
But offer my children on the alter?
Thats a lot harder!
I really just want to swaddle my kids in bubble-wrap and keep their little hearts safe. I dont want them to deal with disappointment or heartbreak or homesickness or over-exposure.
This move has ruffled my "mommy-feathers".
But the other night as we talked and prayed with the kids, each one had lists of things they are thank-ful for in this new place. Looking for the good among the hard has grown in them hearts of gratitude.
Im realizing those heart-defining opportunities wouldn't happen in the solitary bubble Im prone to try to put my babes in.
Growing pains hurt.
But the produce growth and strengthen us.
I wouldnt wish my kids to be unsettled or uprooted or even "repotted".
I lived in the same home from the time I was an infant until I went to Capernwray. I love the stability of my childhood and the security that gave me!
But it excites this momma beyond anything to see Gods faithful and gentle hand nurturing my children's hearts as I continue to release them to His loving care. He knows infinitely better than I do what is best for my children!
God has calmed so many fears and lavished grace and peace all over this move.
How could I want anything less than His best for these precious kids on loan to me?!
Gigi has a pretty proud big brother right now!!
The novelty will wear off soon, but for now, these two love the bumpy ride in tuk-tuks through car fumes and pollution on these busy streets :) |
Gigi's little buddies. |

So wonderful how mysterious the Lord's ways are. Your children, your family, you....are lifted in prayers around the world. He is blessing your family...enriching your lives. You are growing in unexpected and profound ways. Thank you for sharing your lives with us so honestly. xoC xoM xoT xoA xoB xoI xoE xoG
Can't help hearing a *gulp* in your post. I can't fathom the adjustments you all are going through. Praying for strength of mind and body, and peace in your heart and soul. Saying "not my will, but Yours" is, I think, a very hard part of the journey, but you make it look so easy!! Blessings! ~Psalm 139:7~10
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