She's been nagging asking daily about it....for two months!
"When can I start ballet lessons"?
With all the drama in our lives recently, Ive been putting off the request, waiting for life to slow down a bit.
But I was reminded last week (watching another little heart buddy go through another open heart surgery), that some of these requests shouldn't wait until the timing is perfect.
We signed up for a weekly ballet class with "Miss Pink"
(I kid you not - what a perfect name for a ballet teacher, eh?)
The child was glowing on Saturday morning! Up at the crack of dawn packing her ballet bag and asking how many more hours.
We gussied up with a new pink leotard, soft leather shoes, and a hazy cloud of hairspray to whisk away the whispies!
After 15 years of classical ballet instruction, (which I loved!) Ive somehow shied away a bit from enrolling my girls in dance. I know the hours, the bloody toes, the bodily stress, the sacrifices, the competition and the life that it becomes. I never wanted to live vicariously through my daughters and force it on them. If they wanted to do ballet, then I wanted them to want it!
Circa 1996 - 16 years old |
But Evie has been unwavering!
I have no reason to think she'll pursue a dance career.
She may never dance Swan Lake or even make it to pointe shoes.
But Im loving that my Evie - girl....this defy-the-odds and embrace-life-with-everything sweet child is following in her mommy's footsteps.
What she lacks in talent, she possesses in heart!

What a beautiful little ballerina.
What fun!
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