In the past 5 days, Ive changed more sheets, moped up more puke, made more trips to pick up sick kids at school, stirred up more electrolyte concoctions and administered more midnight baths than I can to count. Everyone is sleeping with buckets beside their beds. C is currently laughing at my stall techniques not wanting to go to sleep because I know as soon as I lay my weary head down, Im going to hear retching from another room.
Every night the same routine!
The mother of all stomach bugs has hit our family with a vengeance. At the same time, Evie (yes…the child who doesn't got to school and shouldn't be the one contracting germs) picked up Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease and has passed that around. Then tonight, we noticed Tristan has a random rash all over his torso.
…what in the world!?!?!?
We are lying low and I wish I could say we were chilling watching the Olympic games. However, since there is reportedly only one Thai olympic athlete in the winter olympics (not much opportunity to practice in snow here), there is no hype and no televised olympic coverage.
The only sporting event I care to watch - bummer!!!
13 months later, Im having my very first "I might hate Thailand" moments.
No Olympics
And no Lysol to be found.
Remembering back to a much happier time merely a week ago. Last weekend, we had a team of US, Indian and Dutch colleagues coming into town and staying with us. When C's sister told us she was coming to visit at the same time, we realized there was feasibly no way to house everyone and host the 10 team members that would be convening all weekend in our apartment for meetings….not really conducive to having 6 kids in and out while they are trying to work…right?
Benevolently, I volunteered to take the kids to the beach. Strictly to keep the kids out from underfoot and provide the team with peace and quite mind you.
…..I mean, somebody had to do it :)
How considerate of me, right?
C's sister Rebecca and I had a great time with all the kiddos at a beach only a couple hours from Bangkok. We took in some rays and of course my camera got a little workout.
Aaaahhhh….that golden hour when the sun kisses the horizon and bathes everything in color. When brown sunburned shoulders shiver in the cooling breeze and pink cheeks glow reflecting the setting sun. Wish I could bottle it!!
Can we just rewind please?

Every night the same routine!
The mother of all stomach bugs has hit our family with a vengeance. At the same time, Evie (yes…the child who doesn't got to school and shouldn't be the one contracting germs) picked up Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease and has passed that around. Then tonight, we noticed Tristan has a random rash all over his torso.
…what in the world!?!?!?
We are lying low and I wish I could say we were chilling watching the Olympic games. However, since there is reportedly only one Thai olympic athlete in the winter olympics (not much opportunity to practice in snow here), there is no hype and no televised olympic coverage.
The only sporting event I care to watch - bummer!!!
13 months later, Im having my very first "I might hate Thailand" moments.
No Olympics
And no Lysol to be found.
Remembering back to a much happier time merely a week ago. Last weekend, we had a team of US, Indian and Dutch colleagues coming into town and staying with us. When C's sister told us she was coming to visit at the same time, we realized there was feasibly no way to house everyone and host the 10 team members that would be convening all weekend in our apartment for meetings….not really conducive to having 6 kids in and out while they are trying to work…right?
Benevolently, I volunteered to take the kids to the beach. Strictly to keep the kids out from underfoot and provide the team with peace and quite mind you.
…..I mean, somebody had to do it :)
How considerate of me, right?
C's sister Rebecca and I had a great time with all the kiddos at a beach only a couple hours from Bangkok. We took in some rays and of course my camera got a little workout.
Aaaahhhh….that golden hour when the sun kisses the horizon and bathes everything in color. When brown sunburned shoulders shiver in the cooling breeze and pink cheeks glow reflecting the setting sun. Wish I could bottle it!!
Can we just rewind please?

Hoping healthier days are coming your way! Beautiful photos!
شركة كشف تسربات المياة بالمدينة المنورة
اصحبت لها مكانه خاصة ومميزة , كما لديها أكبر قاعدة عملاء مميزين ,
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عملية تنظيف المنازل لم تعود مشكلتك الكبيرة بعد الأن نحن فى شركة الشرق الاوسط لخدمات تنظيف المنازل بابها تحتوى على تقوم شركة تنظيف منازل بابهابالتعامل مع ذات المساحات الكبيرة والشاسعة بكل سيولة ويسر نظراً لريادتنا فى مجال المنازل ب . عمال وفنيين يعملون تحت كافة الظروف الممكنة فلا تهتم إن كانت المنزل الخاص بك جديدة وتحتاج لإزالة بقايا الدهانات فنحن نمتلك فريق مدرب ولديه كافة المنظفات المطلوبة للقيام بتلك العملية.
فنحن على دراية بكل كبيرة وصغيرة ونستطيع التعامل معها بشكل مميز حيث ,لدنيا خبراء فى الحفاظ على الزجاج بعد عملية التنظيف ونقوم بعمليات جلي البلاط وجعله يلمع وبراق بالإضافة لتنظيف المنزل من الخارج لتحصل على حديقة راقية بمظهر يسر الناظرين.
ما تمتلك من مميزات وخبرات في مجال التنظيف بخميس مشيط
حيث ان شركة الشرق الاوسط تمتلك الالات والمعدات الحديثة التي من خلالها تستطيع شركة الشرق الاوسط شركة تنظيف بخميس مشيطبافضل صورة ممكنه واعلي درجة نظافة وياتي من اهم عوامل التنظيف ونتميز بوجود فرع لنا فى مدينة محايل عسير شركة تنظيف بمحايل عسير
عامل مواد التنظيف والمطهرات التي تستخدم في عملية التنظيف حيث اننا شركة الشرق الاوسط نعمل دائماً على استخدام المواد التي تساعدنا على انتاج فاعلية تنظيف عالية الجودة حتي نتمكن من تنظيف المنزل باعلي جودة كما اننا نستخدم المطهرات التي يحتجها شركة تنظيف منازل بخميس مشيطومنها الديتول وغيراها من مطهرات وكذالك نقوم باتباع احدث الوسائل والتقنيات الحديثة والمخصصة لاعمال تنظيف المنزل والعمل على تدريت وتطوير العمالة التي تقوم باستخدام الالات الحديثة والمتطورة التي تظهر بمجال تنظيف المنزل نعمل على تنظيف منزلك من الداخل ومن الخارج لاننا متخصصون فى هذا المجال منذ اكثر من 12 عام لاننا شركة تنظيف منازل بحائلالاقوى دائما والابقى فى هذا المجال وهو تنظيف كل ما يلزم الشقه او البيت من ارضيات وحوائط واسقف وواجهة المنزل وايضا نجيد غسل السجاد والموكيت والستائر والمجالس والركن والمفروشات بكل انواعها ونجيد ايضا التخصص فى مجال تنظيف المطابخ والحمامات واطقم الحمام والبورسلين والرخام والارضيات والدرج وكل ما يخص المنزل ونعمل ايضا فى مجال تنظيف الفنادق والمطاعم والاستراحات والمسابح والمكاتب وجميع الاثاث ونحن افضل شركة تنظيف بحائل تقدم الخدمات المنزليه
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المواطنين الذين يعيشون به، فنجد أن كثيراً من المنازل تتعرض إلى الأمطار الغزيرة في فصل الشتاء وتتراكم المياه لفترات طويلة
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Hoping healthier days are coming your way! Beautiful photos! Thanks for sharing.
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