We celebrated with a trip to her Cardiologist yesterday and her Pulmonologist today...woohoo!! Her gift ~ a $2,000 shot to immunize her for the RSV virus. (Yes, you read that figure right.)
Whenever we check out at the Cardiologist, I breathe a huge sigh of relief. And then schedule the next appointment and think.......
the next appointment will be a milestone.....
two months out is a long time.....
...when we get there I'll stop worrying about her.
But always, ALWAYS she's full of surprises and keeps giving me reason to stay on my knees!
The last few weeks have been the first time in her life that she's gone a whole month without emergencies, procedures, ER visits or tests. Thank you Jesus!
Still, her Pulmonologist has some concerns. While she has had a healthy month, she is taking drugs in "big girl" doses. They may be helping but the concern is that they may be masking the real problem. We talked today and are looking at the possibility of needing a heart cath procedure. A Catheter is inserted into an artery in her leg and threaded through to her heart to measure pressures. The most significant risk is probably the anesthesia itself. Her pulmonary issues complicate matters under anesthesia. So we begin dialogue with Charleston again.
Last night was one of those "golden moments" I wish I could bottle. She had woken and I brought her to bed with us. She lay sleeping snuggled between C and I with a glowing full moon bathing her in light through our window.
Happy 9 Months! What a wonderful milestone.
God Bless you both.
Mandy, I never ever read about sweet Evie without crying! Praise the Lord for a healthy month and may He pour out His wisdom over the decisions that you will be making concerning heart procedures! Yes, we will be spending extended time in SC when our secret agent man leaves for training. I would love nothing more than to meet all of your sweet children, especially Evie. Let's do tea, and playgrounds!
Love You,
Yes, very adored! Praise the Lord for this! You are in my thoughts dear friend. And yes, let's set up that phone date soon. I'll look at my windows of time :)
Yea for 9 months!!!! She is so beautiful!!! And, wasn't that such a great bright moon?? I checked it out myself!!!!
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