I cant believe this day is right around the corner. Im told by a missionary friend that in some countries in Africa, they don't name their babies until their second birthday because so many children are lost to sickness and disease in the first two years of life. This is a monumental birthday for our little miracle. Our times are truly in HIS hands. None of us are guaranteed tomorrow. I know that for my Evie and my other children. But we have seen an amazing healing work of the Lord in Evie's two short years of life and are CELEBRATING all He has given us through the gift of our Evie!
What a cute invite!!! She truly is a blessing and such a beautiful little girl!!! WOW - I remeber her turning one last year! I can't believe my own little girl is turning 2 also, at the end of the month!!!!
I wish I could be there! Boo! I miss you and want to find an evening to chat after the kiddies are in the bed.
Oh I wish i could be there! I bet it will be a great party!
Looking forward to celebrating Evie's 2nd birthday!
Thank you for letting our family share in this precious JOY!
Love you~ Rebecca
Praise the Lord!
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