She's all dolled up.
Its a special day.
Daddy is coming HOME!!
When she was 4 days old, C had to leave for a two week trip to India. With her induction and all the unusual circumstances surrounding her delivery, I was just so grateful that he was in the country actually got to be at her birth. But I was a bit of a hormonal-emotional-post-partum-basketcase the day that he left. I was so sad that she'd be a big baby when he returned and that he'd miss the sweet newborn stage of her life.
...well, since she is actually not even back to her birthweight, I cant really complain. She's still a sweet tiny peanut and I cant wait to see her back in her daddy's strong arms later today!

I love this precious gown she's in to see Daddy today. We were very humbled and blessed to be the recipients of a parcel from Threads of Love. This beautiful ministry is provided by a group of precious women who sew teeny-tiny gowns for preemie babies. They heard about Gigi and I was so touched by their labor of love for our little girl since none of her newborn clothes fit her yet. We go for another weight check tomorrow.....
We've had three great nights in a row. Think we're finally getting her days and nights straightened out. Figured out a trick with this spoiled little girl. As long as I hold her.
....all.....night.....long.......she sleeps soundly! Ive gotten great sleep with this little one nuzzled in my arms. 4 hour stints at a time. Yes please!! We'll stop spoiling her once she gets up to a safe weight. But for now, I dont mind it one bit.
Welcome Home Daddy! I missed you!
Precious post Mandy! Glad Daddy is back to be with you all and enjoy Gigi!
You can't stop spoiling babies till they are at least a year old :) They're only little once!
She a real cutie!
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