By Saturday night, her sleep was pretty disturbed too and we we're having trouble controlling pain. At the urging of our wonderful pediatrician (and concerned grandparents) we spent the night in the ER Sunday night.
Ultrasounds of ovaries and appendix were inconclusive and the only certainty we got was that 3 hours of sleep is NOT enough!
At this point, Abi has eaten nothing but a little yogurt and a bagel since Wednesday and the girl doesn't have an ounce of body fat on her anyway! Getting worried!
We were referred to a pediatric GI specialist today who referred us to a pediatric surgeon. It took the surgeon no more than 2 minutes of probing on her super tender belly to admit her immediately to the hospital and schedule an appendectomy for first thing in the morning.
She's trying really hard to be brave but was super upset and scared about surgery when she found out. The staff here is being wonderful to her! Please pray courage and peace for her tomorrow. And security for our other children who are being shuffled around. And special grace for grandparents and friends caring for them!
We can already see Gods provisional hand all over the timing of this tho. C has been in India for 3 weeks and arrived home just tonight so Abi girl is really glad her daddy is back for this. Please keep our fractured family in prayer!
Saying lots of prayers!!
Praying for you, dear Abi! :) I'm sure you'll do fine!
God has you all in His loving hands - Love and prayers to you!
Praying for sweet Abi and your wonderful family!
Praying for grace and peace for all of you!
You are all in my thoughts and prayers!!! I hope all goes well for sweet Abi tomorrow!!! Good luck, and please keep us posted!!!
Praying Mandy!
P.s. Wish it was here in my hospital and I could take care of her!
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