Even my own mother is concerned after a month of silence from the blogosphere that there might something wrong.
Just popping my head up for air from under the "to do" pile to assure you that indeed, all is well on the home front.
Lots of on-call hours and long labors for recent births Ive attended.
Then with tons of new babies has been tons of fun newborn photoshoots.
And with that, tons of hours of editing which has devoured my creative outlet evening time.
And you know what?….Im getting older! My days of staying up till 2:00am to get it all done…and waking up at 6:00 are fleeting! Im requiring more sleep than I used to!
Hubs has been traveling extensively.
A dear friend visiting whom Im enjoying every second with.
Middle school science project deadlines.
Stomach flu which has hit our home twice.
PTO meetings, swim practice, hair to braid, lunches to pack….
Nothing noteworthy to report. Just beautiful life blazing by.
Most days, Im lucky (with great difficulty and at least one toddler on my lap) to even get my make up on and hair fixed.
No creative Pinterest projects to post or spectacular outings to report or amazing meals Ive concocted.
Just normal, lovely, every-day days with dirty dishes in the sink, dust bunnies under the couch, giggles, messes and silly kissy Gigi pictures in the mirror.

Just popping my head up for air from under the "to do" pile to assure you that indeed, all is well on the home front.
Lots of on-call hours and long labors for recent births Ive attended.
Then with tons of new babies has been tons of fun newborn photoshoots.
And with that, tons of hours of editing which has devoured my creative outlet evening time.
And you know what?….Im getting older! My days of staying up till 2:00am to get it all done…and waking up at 6:00 are fleeting! Im requiring more sleep than I used to!
Hubs has been traveling extensively.
A dear friend visiting whom Im enjoying every second with.
Middle school science project deadlines.
Stomach flu which has hit our home twice.
PTO meetings, swim practice, hair to braid, lunches to pack….
Nothing noteworthy to report. Just beautiful life blazing by.
Most days, Im lucky (with great difficulty and at least one toddler on my lap) to even get my make up on and hair fixed.
No creative Pinterest projects to post or spectacular outings to report or amazing meals Ive concocted.
Just normal, lovely, every-day days with dirty dishes in the sink, dust bunnies under the couch, giggles, messes and silly kissy Gigi pictures in the mirror.
Ah, a word from Mandy and pictures to see your beautiful face. Life may be normal, but you shine brightly doing it. Keep on. We all love you on this side of the pond.
Laugier knows his classics and does not hide his sources of inspiration (Tobe Hooper, Robert Aldrich, Rob Zombie in particular). watch movies 2k Ghostland is however much less original and radical than Martyrs. megashare9 And the film recycles elementary visual artifices and unproductive jumpscares: annoying and almost insulting. los movies Let's move on to the pitch that serves as the basis for the film, which does not bother logic or credibility. 123movies Laugier first looks to shock the viewer and, obviously, seen the comments on the web, seems to achieve it without I can't understand why. zmovies I mean, since Hostel, horror cinema has largely gone around the topic of sequestration. Also, once the rather good surprise of the middle of the film passed, Ghostland doesn't innovate really, in spite of its graphic universe too clean to be really disturbing.
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Ah, a word from Mandy and pictures to see your beautiful face. Life may be normal, but you shine brightly doing it. Keep on. We all love you on this side of the pond.
This so pretty picture
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