Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Spring Session

We just finished shooting another set for Dayspring Dresses. This one was a lot of fun. A Mix and Match Coordinating line for all the sisters. Kelly is just so talented and never ceases to amaze me with her creativity in coming up with new designs.
Oh the irony.... Ive been asked for years if I ever model (strictly because of my height.) I found it emensely funny that the first time I actually have modeled is now when Im 7 months "great-with-child". Kelly asked me to model for a Mommy and Me set she's just created.
It was fun, but there is no doubt in my mind that I prefer being on the other side of the camera!
Me and my sassy little ladies.
Ooh this just makes me anxious for spring! The kids have been begging me to go through the summer clothes and stock their drawers with dresses and shorts. I just know that as soon as I do that, we're going to have another cold snap!
The photography bug is in my blood. I find myself ever driving around scouting out where the next fun backdrop for a shoot might be. The weather-worn barn behind the neighbors house. That grassy field of sunflowers. An abandoned rusted out old truck. The shady pond with the ducks. The yard with rows of billowing white pear trees.
Everything is suddenly a canvas to be painted on!


Jenny Plumb said...

These dresses are just beautiful. I love the one of you and your daughter talking in your ear. Pretty good for seven months pregnant!

Shannon said...

You look GREAT! Whatever! :)

Love all the pics. And the outfits {and the little darlings in them}, OMG! Precious!

Kelly said...

I don't think it is just the height, Mandy!!!!
Lovely girls, just like their Mom!
I have enjoyed viewing the photos, so much fun.

Lacey said...

I'm dying to buy some of this summer stuff for my princess! But I have to recover from the expenses of getting that princess home first!
Come on tax money!

Love All Over the Land said...

Ahhh love this.....and you are so cute!

Lindsay Dean said...

So incredibly cute! Hugs!

Donna said...

Well, your canvas looks amazingly wonderful...and so do YOU!! You are all so very photogenic! The outfits are adorable and make the best models for this cute clothing line ever!!!

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